
This blog is produced by Brynne Jewell to share her own experiences with Tourette Syndrome and to also provide a place for others with questions or comments to mingle.

February 21, 2013

Blanket Hug

Good Morning,
    It's been a busy week - writing papers and putting together my career portfolio. When the stress piles up and tension is high, my tics get worse. Fatigue can be a big contributer to bad tic episodes. A few months back, I started having really bad shaking tics (a type of motor tic) through my whole body right before I was ready to go to sleep. I've always had to wind down for bed hours in advance, because that's how long it takes for my nervous system to calm down. For some reason, my usual routine wasn't doing the trick. So, I started my search.
    I had heard about this thing called a weighted blanket from that show Parenthood with the boy who has Aspergers. I learned that it was originally used for autistic children to quiet the nervous system. So, I consulted my physician and ordered one from Mosaic. I loved it from the start. It was comforting, like a hug, and actually helped to quiet my nervous system. The website explains the different disorders and why it is good for them. To this day, rarely does a night go by when I don't use my blanket.
    Another website to look at is SensaCalm. Both websites have other gadgets and helpful information as well. I encourage you to check them out, whether you have a neurological disorder, insomnia, anxiety, or just need something to help you wind down at the end of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link to your blog on TSA. I shared what I learned there with my wife. The heavy blanket has also been helpful with one of my sons who has issues with sensory processing. - Jamey from W.Va
